The raw materials from which our products are made are unique.We use the mineral shungite, the only deposit in the world of which is located in the Republic of Karelia.
Shungite powder for use in the field of RTI.
Application in metallurgy, polymers, tire manufacturers.
Application in paint and varnish industries.
the mineral shungite
Production of innovative products — shungite micro-powders of 5-20 microns fraction to replace expensive components in the production of rubber products, polymer composites, asphalt concrete fillers, building materials with an annual output of 20 thousand tons.

Karelian shungite is a unique natural source of fullerene–like carbon and finely dispersed silicon dioxide, has no analogues in the world, is mined only in Karelia.

LLC «Nadvoitskiy plant TDM »
Shungite is a rock close to graphite and anthracite
It contains up to 98% carbon, and also includes sulfur, nickel, selenium, hydrogen, vanadium, tungsten, nitrogen. Shungite is considered a Russian stone, it is mined in the north of Russia and in Karelia. The mineral has excellent density, hardness, and a matte gray color.
Silicon dioxide
Aluminum Oxide
Iron oxide
Potassium oxide
Calcium Oxide
Magnesium Oxide
Sodium oxide
The presence of macro- and microelementsnecessary for the nutrition of animals and birds
Antioxidant activity
Electronic bipolarity of the system of the main components of shungite C-SIO2
Prebiotic effect
Pronounced acidifying effect
High sorption and catalytic capacity
Properties and composition of shungite
Scope of application
Shungite in metallurgy
The use of only one ton of shungite per hour instead of coke allows reducing the copper content in the slag from 0.9 to 0.5 percent and obtaining an additional 300 tons of pure copper per year. The unique properties of shungite make it possible to speed up the metal melting process and at the same time significantly save energy.
Shungite is a filler of rubber compounds
Shungite rocks are unique in their composition, structure and properties of formation. They are an unusual natural composite in structure – a uniform distribution of highly dispersed crystalline silicate particles in an amorphous carbon matrix.
Shungite is an energy-saving paint filler
Electrically conductive powder paints, asphalt concrete, and a wide range of electrically conductive and radio-shielding building materials have been created on the basis of shungite. Electrically conductive shungite paints are environmentally friendly, do not emit any harmful substances when heated.
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Our contacts:
Republic of Karelia,
Segezha district,
village. Nadvoitsy, Zavodskaya str., 1
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Nadvoitskiy zavod TDM LLC INN 1006027353
The site was created by IP Senyukov Artem Nikolaevich (INN - 100603631961)
with the support of the My Business center of the Republic of Karelia.
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