Legal address: 186430, Republic of Karelia, Segezha district, village. Nadvoitsy, Zavodskaya str., 1

Postal address: 11 Gulling emb., Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia, 185005

Legal address: 186430, Republic of Karelia, Segezha district, village. Nadvoitsy, Zavodskaya str., 1.
TIN: 1006027353
OGRNIP: 1181001009595
R/S: 40702810422330001662
The Bank is a branch of PJSC "BANK URALSIB" in St. Petersburg
BIC: 044030706
c/s: 30101810800000000706

Telephone: 8 800 550-36-75
Limited Liability Company "Nadvoitskiy zavod TDM"
Our contacts:
Republic of Karelia,
Segezha district,
village. Nadvoitsy, Zavodskaya str., 1
© All rights reserved
Nadvoitskiy zavod TDM LLC INN 1006027353
The site was created by IP Senyukov Artem Nikolaevich (INN - 100603631961)
with the support of the My Business center of the Republic of Karelia.
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